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How to Enable Easy Entry for the Tesla Model S and Model X

Tesla Model X

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Getting in and out of a car can be difficult for some. This includes older folks, those with physical ailments, and in some cases for individuals who are heavy-set. Having extra room to work with typically makes the process of getting into or out of your vehicle easier, but it can be annoying having to change your seat and steering wheel settings every time. Tesla has solved this problem with their feature, Easy Entry. Continue reading for steps on how to enable Easy Entry for steps on how to enable Easy Entry for the Tesla Model S and Model X.

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How to Open the Doors of a Tesla Model S

Red Tesla Model S With the Door Handle Showing

By: Otaiba Ahsan

One commonality between most electric vehicle (EV) companies is that they strive for efficiency when designing their cars, which helps get the maximum range out of each model. Part of boosting efficiency is creating an aerodynamic build, which reduces drag when driving. Tesla has accomplished this with the Model S, which has an incredibly sleek look. Something most people notice when marvelling at this car is the unique door handles, which are flush with the vehicle. Continue reading for steps on how to open the doors of a Tesla Model S.

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How Far Can the Tesla Model S Go on a Single Charge?

Tesla Model S Cruising Down a Road

By: Otaiba Ahsan

One of the benefits of Model S ownership is that it provides the best range out of any Tesla, depending on the trim you go for. This is a big win for Tesla, as range is often the most critical factor for many prospective electric vehicle (EV) shopper. So, how far can the Tesla Model S go on a single charge? Continue reading for more.

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